
Laurel Ridge Antiques & Gifts

冈萨雷斯主街与GPK电子官方(GEDC), 报销月桂岭古董和礼品完成的项目位于827街的历史三层砖结构. Joseph Street in downtown Gonzales, Texas. 冈萨雷斯市市政大楼街对面的地标性商业场所摆满了古董, unique gifts and serves as an Inn.

According to the owner, Barbara Crozier, her mom, 她在德克萨斯大学上大学时对房子进行了第一次装修. 他们不知疲倦地花了几个小时刮掉旧油漆,采购硬件,使这座破旧的房子恢复生机. 她在后面的小屋里开了一家设计公司,很快就从那个地方搬到了主楼的楼下.

最近翻修项目的范围包括在二楼甲板周围增加一条栏杆, upgrades to the electric main, adding a bathroom in one of the second story guest rooms, replacing the HVAC system and other various repairs.

Gonzales Main Street, Inc. 努力协助保存和振兴GPK电子官方的历史主街区. Through the transformational strategies of economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization, they focus on prosperity through preservation. “一个充满活力的市中心和成功的主街项目有助于将冈萨雷斯推向正确的方向,这样GPK电子官方就可以推动GPK电子官方的社区向前发展,” said Tiffany Hutchinson-Padilla, Gonzales Main Street Director.

“Funds from the GEDC, a Type 4B economic development corporation, 是通过与冈萨雷斯大街达成的协议来管理的,授权大街向指定大街区的合格企业提供资助. 该项目有助于增加价值并保护历史结构,因此该建筑可以用作商业和住宿多年,” said Jennifer Kolbe, GEDC Economic Development Director.

Laurel Ridge Big Check

Shear Designs

Gonzales Main Street与Gonzales经济发展公司(GEDC)最近为位于805 N的精品店和发廊完成的项目报销了Shear Designs. St. Joseph. The boutique and hair salon opened in 2004. Before the boutique opened, the building was a gas station. The scope of the project included upgrading lighting, replacing old windows and awnings, painting the outside of the building, and replacing the fence.  

Shear Designs是一家一站式的女装、鞋子和配饰商店. Adjacent to the boutique is a full-service beauty salon.

“The salon and beauty shop were my sister’s dream. 她已经去世了,但我很幸运能够继续生活下去,”主人康妮·多尔扎尔说. “GPK电子官方周围有最好的顾客,GPK电子官方收到了很多关于商店外观的赞美. Replacing the windows has made a huge difference. Our old windows were single pane and just not energy efficient. GPK电子官方的客户无疑会有更舒适的体验.”

Gonzales Main Street, Inc. 努力协助保存和振兴GPK电子官方的历史主街区. Through the transformational strategies of economic vitality, design, promotion, and organization, they focus on prosperity through preservation. “一个充满活力的市中心和成功的主街项目有助于将冈萨雷斯推向正确的方向,这样GPK电子官方就可以推动GPK电子官方的社区向前发展,” said Tiffany Hutchinson-Padilla, Gonzales Main Street Director.

“Funds from the GEDC, a Type 4B economic development corporation, 是通过与冈萨雷斯大街达成的协议来管理的,授权大街向指定大街区的合格企业提供资助. 这个项目帮助增加了价值,并保护了建筑,使其可以作为商业用途,并在未来的许多年里继续使用,” said Jennifer Kolbe, GEDC Economic Development Director.

For additional information on the Gonzales Main Street Program: http://www.gonzales.texas.gov/p/departments/main-street

Shear Designs Big Check December

Texan Heritage Conference Center

We “ACE Invest” are a real estate company based in Austin, TX. We first heard of the City of Gonzales in 2019 from our kids. 他们的一位老师给他们讲了这座城市的伟大历史,就在那时,GPK电子官方决定来参观一下. When we arrived, GPK电子官方完全被这个坐落在两个大城市(圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀)之间的小镇的魅力所折服。. 人们都很友好,他们中的许多人分享了发生在这个伟大城镇土地上的“来吧,接受它”历史事件的详细故事. 在访问期间,GPK电子官方还会见了一些企业主,他们分享了一个潜在的投资机会. It was none other than 608 St. Paul St which was at the heart of the downtown area. We fell in love with this location and jumped right into it.

在接下来的几个星期里,GPK电子官方与当地人交谈,以更好地了解人口统计数据. GPK电子官方真的很想为冈萨雷斯做点好事,因为它背后有着如此伟大的历史. In discussing the needs of the city, GPK电子官方很快意识到,市中心附近没有多少地方可以举办中等规模的会议/聚会或生日派对. 608 St. 保罗的隔壁是历史悠久的阿尔卡尔德酒店,那里也有很多可供选择的地方. 参加聚会的客人可以舒适地住在这家酒店,同时参加这些活动,食物也可以从酒店的商业厨房供应. This was a perfect match made in heaven. 就在这个时候,GPK电子官方正式制定了把这里改造成会议中心的计划.

Once we firmed up our plans, we met with Kim Tucker, Interim Director of Economic Development at GEDC and Liz Reiley, 并分享了GPK电子官方对会议中心的愿景和计划. 他们非常支持GPK电子官方的想法,并伸出他们的手帮助GPK电子官方实现GPK电子官方的愿景. 后来Jennifer Kolbe加入GEDC担任经济发展总监, she was equally supportive of the idea and the vision. Within a span of 5 months, GPK电子官方完成了翻新工作,并于2020年底向公众开放. 如果没有詹妮弗、莉兹和许多其他市政官员的帮助,GPK电子官方不可能做到这一点,他们参与了会议中心从头开始建设的几个方面. GPK电子官方从未见过任何其他城镇为小企业提供如此多的服务,并且非常愿意与业主合作,改善当地人民的生活. It was a fascinating experience overall!

GPK电子官方诚挚地邀请大家参观GPK电子官方位于冈萨雷斯圣保罗街608号的会议中心, 在这里举办你的个人活动,充分利用这个地方. 该中心有两个会议室和一个大大厅,最多可容纳200人. We have named the center as “Texian Heritage Conference Center”. GPK电子官方称这两个会议室为“Almaron Dickinson会议室”和“Thomas R. Miller Boardroom”. The main hall is called “Albert Martin Hall”. 当你们走进GPK电子官方久负盛名的会议中心希望你们能在冈萨雷斯这个小镇上看到德州丰富的文化遗产.

A large commercial building with a red awning above the entrance